This page is only available in English, to switch back to the Danish website click here.
Note: This tool is in active development, expect to see weird things showing from time to time.
Tasks to do (not ordered by priority):
- Add a water level capacity indicator to Station pages
- Add flood status to the Monitoring stations page
- Add elevation data to stations and locations [in progress]
- Re-calibrate the water level limits for Stations to be relevant to flooding rather than the default water level limits
- Default colour of all routes to green (okay to ride!) or grey (unknown data along this route) (thanks @penguins4bears) [in progress]
- Change colour of major routes by colour (green = OK, orange = at risk, red = forget it) (thanks @penguins4bears)
- Add colour scheme toggle between coloured and greyscale (thanks @Cokeio)
- Add marker popups to the map with expanded information (water levels, flood poll, latest uploaded pictures)
- Filter map locations by flooding status
- Show water level stick view (thanks @Sebastiantr8); need elevation data assigned to Locations first
- Filter routes by car / bicycle / running / on foot (cars and bikes are okay with a little water, runners / walkers not so much)
- Add separate markers for car / bicycle / walking where the same location is shared by all users
- Change comment date on Locations to “X minutes ago”
- Let site visitors give a thumbs up to popular image uploads
- Let site visitors give a thumbs up to popular Locations
- Upload featured images (flooded and not flooded) for each location
- Add missing walking paths over from Ceres Byen (thanks @Bondepigen and @manwhorunlikebear)
- Add daily “Is is flooded here?” poll which resets at midnight
- Show past 7 days of poll flooding data at each location
- Add toggle for light / dark map view
- Let site visitors upload multiple images in a comment
- Add drag-and-drop support for Locations
- Let site visitors upload images and post comments which are deleted after 7 days
- Send a daily flooding notification to the Mastadon bot when flooded
- Social sign in or sign up via e-mail for e-mail or browser push notifications
- Move Mapbox token to its own Mapbox account (it’s not cheap after 50,000 views!)
Completed tasks:
Migrate project to a new domain; brabrandstien.dkRedirect social traffic from hereMigrate styling from from Twenty Fourteen to Twenty TwentyGo full screen with Mapbox on the Frontpage!Add credits to WatsonC, Aarhus Kommune and other data providersLet the site visitor switch between Danish and English (based on local region language of the browser user agent)Change water level unit to cm (data is stored in mm) (thanks @penguins4bears)Calibrate water levels at Åhavevej / Eskelundvej (thanks Asger!)Fix outer lake walking route, oops! (thanks Jeppe!)Add a legend to the map pageShow historical water level data under each monitoring stationAdd missing walking paths around the second lake (thanks @manwhorunlikebear)Add a HTML e-mail template for contact form repliesTurn on comments for Locations so site visitors can say if it’s flooding or notMigrate process to set water levevel status and flooding status out of templating and part of the scheduled taskSwitch to Mapbox style “standard” to MapAdded light preset for dawn / day / dusk and night to MapReduce intensity of roads and other non-Brabrandstien map features (e.g. roads, motorways, buildings, etc.) (thanks @penguins4bears)Add a summary answer to the Frontpage answering the big question… is Brabrandstien flooded?Add marker popups to the mapShow historical water level data from the past 3 days to each “location”Show low / medium / high water level and the current water level lines for each monitoring stationRegister a Mastadon bot!(thanks Camilo) site visitors upload images and post comments about flooding at Locations